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Microsoft Evaluation Center. While a fine-grained locking system allows more users to use the table or index simultaneously, it requires more resources, so it does not automatically yield higher performance. They are internally implemented as tables by SQL Server, but don’t support insert, update, or delete functionality.

Download Microsoft® SQL Server® Service Pack 3 (SP3) from Official Microsoft Download Center.Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server Evaluation Edition to Standard/Enterprise | Windows OS Hub

The Overflow Blog. Back Next. SQL Server Replication Services are used by SQL Server to replicate and synchronize database objects, either in entirety or a subset of the objects present, across replication agents, which might be other database servers across the network, or database caches on the client side. The Lock Manager maintains an in-memory table that manages the database objects and locks, if any, on them along with other metadata about the lock. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You have to agree to the comment policy. Microsoft development tools.


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